Customer support
Contact Us
Phone Payments 855.959.2496
Customer Support 830.257.3050
24/7 Outages 855.959.2496
M-F 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Closed on:
New Year’s Day
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Friday
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Kerrville, Texas 78028
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Lighting services
Residential Area Lighting
Kerrville Public Utility Board (KPUB) offers a full range of lighting services. KPUB can provide outdoor lighting fixtures, including maintenance, for a fixed monthly fee. The monthly cost varies based on the type and size fixture you choose and will be added to your monthly bill. A KPUB representative can help you decide which fixture is right for your needs. Upon your request, a meeting will be scheduled with an engineering department representative to assess your needs. KPUB installs area lighting systems on existing utility poles. Pole-mounted lighting provides uniform illumination and greater coverage than lighting systems mounted on building structures. Based upon an assessment of your needs, additional charges for installation of new facilities may be required. For the light to be installed, an agreement must be signed that includes a term requirement of 36 months.
Commercial Lighting
Lighting fixtures provided for commercial lighting are intended to bring a valuable service to our commercial customers. By mounting the fixtures on existing or new KPUB poles, you can avoid the costly up-front investment and maintenance expenses of installing and owning lights, poles, and wiring. KPUB provides all maintenance, repairs and replacement of fixtures at no additional charge to the customer. A KPUB representative can help you decide which fixture is right for your needs. Upon your request, a meeting will be scheduled with an Engineering department representative to assess your needs. KPUB installs area lighting systems on existing utility poles. Pole-mounted lighting provides uniform illumination and greater coverage than lighting systems mounted on building structures. Based upon an assessment of your needs, additional charges for installation of new facilities may be required. For the light to be installed, an agreement must be signed that includes a term requirement of 36 months.
Street Lighting
KPUB provides lighting services for streets for entities that govern roads within our service territory. KPUB will conduct a free, onsite evaluation for more street lighting. Should you have concerns with street lighting, please contact the entity responsible for street maintenance first to make a request. For instance, in the City of Kerrville, customers should contact either Texas Department of Transportation or the City of Kerrville. The governing entity will determine if additional street lighting is warranted. The entity will then contact KPUB, and we will work with them directly to identify the best location for maximum illumination and coverage. KPUB follows prescribed guidelines that include brightness and uniformity for the street based upon traffic levels and size of the street. Additional street lights are subject to being approved by the roadway authority as they are responsible for monthly fees and approving light locations.
Lighting Details
New lights that KPUB uses to provide the above services are full cutoff energy-efficient LED fixtures with a color temperature less than 3000 degrees Kelvin. They are installed with photocells to only operate at night. Should you have concerns with lighting trespass or wish to report a malfunctioning light, contact our engineering department at [email protected].
KPUB SmartHub App
Our SmartHub is a web and mobile app that allows you
to do business with KPUB like never before

Pay Now (No Login Required)
If you prefer quick and easy, no-frills online payment, we have an option for you. Simply enter your account number to view all current balances and simple payment instructions with the Pay Now button below.
Bank Draft
With Auto Pay, you no longer have to worry about due dates or late fees since your payment is automatically deducted from your account each month. Click here to set Auto Pay today through your account. Once you’re signed in, click on billing & payments and then select the auto-pay program drop down.
Credit Card Auto Pay
With Auto Pay, you no longer have to worry about due dates or late fees since your payment is automatically deducted from your account each month. Click here to set Auto Pay today through your account. Once you’re signed in, click on billing & payments and then select the auto-pay program drop down.
Pay Online
Pay at: (via Pay My Bill access) SmartHub is an application that allows customers to access their electric account(s) on mobile devices. Customers can make payments, view usage history, view payment history, contact customer service, and receive alerts and special messages from KPUB—all on the go!
Phone In and Pay Your Bill
Major credit cards, debit cards, and e-checks are accepted.
Pay by mail via the United States Post Office
Simply include the return portion of your bill in the return envelope with your check or money order.
Pay In Person
Cash, checks, and money orders are accepted at KPUB’s main office:
Kerrville Public Utility Board
2250 Memorial Blvd.
Kerrville, TX 78028
NEW! Bill Payment Kiosks
Self-serve kiosks accept credit card, debit card, check & cash bill payments on-site at KPUB 24/7.
Please note cash payments will not issue change back. Any payment overages will be credited to the customer’s next billing cycle.
Pay Now (No Login Required)
If you prefer quick and easy, no-frills online payment, we have an option for you. Simply enter your account number to view all current balances and simple payment instructions with the Pay Now button below.
Bank Draft
With Auto Pay, you no longer have to worry about due dates or late fees since your payment is automatically deducted from your account each month. Click here to set Auto Pay today through your account. Once you’re signed in, click on billing & payments and then select the auto-pay program drop down.
Credit Card Auto Pay
With Auto Pay, you no longer have to worry about due dates or late fees since your payment is automatically deducted from your account each month. Click here to set Auto Pay today through your account. Once you’re signed in, click on billing & payments and then select the auto-pay program drop down.
Pay Online
Pay at: (via Pay My Bill access) SmartHub is an application that allows customers to access their electric account(s) on mobile devices. Customers can make payments, view usage history, view payment history, contact customer service, and receive alerts and special messages from KPUB—all on the go!
For more information, check out our list of Frequently Asked Questions SmartHub FAQs.
Phone In and Pay Your Bill
Use our Secure Pay toll-free number: 1-855-382-9918. Major credit cards, debit cards, and e-checks are accepted.
Pay by mail via the United States Post Office
Simply include the return portion of your bill in the return envelope with your check or money order.
Payment Centers In and Around Kerrville
Cash, checks, and money orders are accepted at the following locations:
Kerrville Public Utility Board
2250 Memorial Blvd.
Kerrville, Texas